raisons d’être

Oskar, the main character of “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” a book I recently fell deeply in love with always mentions his passions as his raisons d’être. As I fell deeper in love with the book, my raisons d’être are started becoming more obvious, so I guess this blog post is going to be more touchy and personal. Bear with me. I’m bad at this.

I’ve always wanted to be in the medical field. Since I was a little girl, I always saw myself as a doctor, saving lives, and whatnot. Until I actually got pretty deep into respiratory therapy, I decided that nothing in the medical field will ever suit me. For weeks, I felt lost and foolish because after nearly seventeen years of telling people I want to be a doctor, it would be absurd for me to now tell people I want to be a fiction writer.

Writing is one of my raisons d’être.

Reading books? Raisons d’être.

My family is one of my raisons d’être.

Journalism is one of my raisons d’être.

My best friend is one of my raisons d’être.

My heart-to-heart with this blog post is making me feel absolutely overjoyed. Just for the sake of it, here are a few more facts about me.

*starts singing Nick Jonas’ “Introducing Me”* Just kidding.

I’m caught between being a dog lady or a cat lady. I don’t know. I love men’s clothing. I find tongues nasty. According to my best friend, I am freakishly healthy. I can bathe for a good two hours. I just sit there. It’s easier for me to be alone than be with people. My fantasy man is a folk singer (hold for reaction). I drink tea like water or other drinks don’t exist. Needless to say, I hate soda.  I could grow old at cafes. I am an “up-and-go” kind of gal. Very “in the moment” (think Christian Grey, minus the sexual activities… If that is even possible).  I love, love, love change. As a matter of fact, I change something about myself every time something sad happens to me. Hence why I went from a bubbly, tickle-me-pink blonde to a cool, calm, and collected (vegetarian) brunette. I love wearing dresses, although I don’t do this very often. I am a paradox: an independent individual, but a very clingy friend. As you may already know, I hate affection. Tapping on the shoulder is the reason I stay up at night. Hate it. Can’t stand it. I am W-E-I-R-D. Zooey Decshanel weird. Speaking of which, I am not a dessert person. I always have to eat something salty after dessert. I am super quiet when I am intimidated. I am intimidating. I met James Franco for approximately 37 seconds, and it was the best night of my life. James Franco might just be my favorite human being.

I hope you enjoyed my life in a blog post. If you know me personally, suggest something for me to write about. If you don’t know me, suggest something for me to write about.